“Meaning in Electroacoustic Music: Feeling, Emotion and the Aesthetic Expeience.” Keynote speaker at Second Symposium on ‘New Multimedia Tools for Electroacoustic Music Analysis’, DeMontfort University, UK, February, 2012.
“Bridging A Shamanic Worldview and Electroacoustic Art.” Guest lecture presented at Simon Fraser University, Canada, December, 2011.
“Why Things Don’t Work: What You Need To Know About Spatial Audio.” Guestlectures presented at the University of California at San Diego and the Universityof California at Santa Barbara, November, 2011.
“Spatial Perception and Cognition of Multichannel Audio in ElectroacousticMusic” and “Meaning in Electroacoustic Music and the Everyday Mind.” Guestlectures presented as part of the AI.Maako’11 Music Festival, Santiago,Chile, October, 2011.
“Meaning in Electroacoustic Music and the Everyday Mind.” Invited lecture presented at Northwestern University to the Music Technology Colloquium,May, 2009.
“Listening to Art: Aural Cognition in Electroacoustic Music.” Electroacoustic Music Studies Conference 2009, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
“What is an Event? The EVENT Schema in Relation to Listening and Electroacoustic Cognition.” Electroacoustic Music Studies 2008, Paris, France.
“Auditory Spatial Schemata and the Artistic Play of Spatial Organizaion Plus Five-Leaf Rose, Redux 2008.” Invited speaker for the Workshop on Multimodal Influences on Perceived Self-Motion, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
“Considering the Terms of Our Language in Electroacoustic Spatialization.” Electroacoustic Music Studies 2007, Leichester, England.
Three-day Residency on the campus of the University of Washington during which I presented four lectures and met with composition students.
“Particle-based Sound Synthesis: a Fuzzy Approach.” Rodrigo F. Cadiz and Gary S. Kendall. SEAMUS 2006, Eugene, Oregon.
“Juxtaposition and Non-Motion: Varese Bridges Modernism and Electroacoutic Music.” Presented at the Electroacoustic Music Studies 2005 International Conference, Montreal, Canada.
“The Acoustic Basis of the Singing Brook.” CIM05, 2005 Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology, Montreal, Canada.
“ Understanding the Perception of Granular Processing.” Nathan Wolek, Gary Kendall and Scott Lipscomb. Society for Music Perception and Cognition 2003 Meeting, Las Vegas. PDF.
“Immersive sound: Does 5.1 surround sound really make a difference in the experience of music listening?” Scott D. Lipscomb, Gary Kendall, Virgil Moorefield, & David Tolchinsky… Society for Music Perception and Cognition 2003 Meeting, Las Vegas.
“Diffuse Field Reverberation Modeled as a Flat Fading Channel.” Andrew Eloff, Gary Kendall, and Michael Honig. Audio Engineering Society, Fall 2003, Annual Meeting, New York.
“Releasing.” Center for Art and Technology Second Annual Symposium: Art, Technology and Spirituality, May 2002, Northwestern University.
” Musical Considerations in the Design of 3D-Sound Rendering Software,” co-authored with David Mann, Scott Robbin, and Alan Kendall. Invited Paper. 141st annual meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Also, chaired the session and presented concert of recent music using a variety of spatial techniques.
“SonikWurm: desktop software for rendering 3D audio,” co-authored with Agnieszka Roginska and David Mann. AES 16th International Conference on Spatial Sound Reproduction, Rovaniemi, Finland.
“The Potential for Ultrasonic 3-D Audio Reproduction.” Invited presentation. Third International Workshop on Human Interface Technology, Aizu University, Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Fukushima, Japan.
“3D or not 3D,” presented to the Chicago chapter of the Audio Engineering Society.
“Spatial Sound Processing,” lecture to the Technical University of Berlin.
“Northwestern University Software: A Demonstration,” co-presented with Richard Ashley, Arne Eigenfeld, William Parod, Peter Webster, and Amnon Wolman to the 1992 International Computer Music Conference, San Jose, CA.
Invited speaker to New York University. Two lectures: one to faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences and the other to students and faculty of the Music Technology Program.
“Production and Reproduction of Three-Dimensional Sound,”co-authored with Martin D. Wilde and William L. Martens, presented to the Audio Engineering Society 87th Convention, New York.
“Elmac: A Configurable Interface for Interactive Composition and Sound Synthesis,” co-authored with Brian L. Schmidt, Eric C. Huffman, Randal S. Hove, Daniel W. Forden and Shawn L. Decker, presented to the 1987 International Computer Music Conference, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois.
“The Role of Research in Computer Music” and “Northwestern’s Software Environment for Composition and Sound Synthesis,” invited lecturer, First Symposium on Computers and Performing Arts, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
“Computer Music Workstations and the Future,” invited lecturer with Shawn Decker and William Martens, “State of the Arts Festival” at Triton College, Chicago.
“Northwestern Computer Music Center,” presented to ACM Chicago SIGGRAPH.
“The Evaluation of Digital Filters for Controlling Perceived Direction in Stereo Loudspeaker Reproduction,” co-authored with William L. Martens, M. Derek Ludwig, and Richard Karstens, presented to the Audio Engineering Society 81st Convention, Los Angeles, November, 1986.
“Studio Report: Northwestern Computer Music,” co-author with William L. Martens, Shawn Decker, James Roth, and M. Derek Ludwig, presented to the 1986 International Computer Music Conference, The Hague, Netherlands.
“Education in Computer Music: Adjusting to the Changing Definition of Computer Music,” presented to the 1986 International Computer Music Conference, The Hague, Netherlands.
Invited lecturer on Psychoacoustics for “FM Synthesis/MIDI Seminar” sponsored by Yamaha International and the University of Chicago. (Repeated in 1987.)
Invited lecture/demonstration of digital techniques for spatial sound processing presented to Walt Disney Studios, Burbank, CA. Sound examples were prepared by Shawn Decker and Gary Kendall. Demonstration was also presented to Showscan, Inc.
“Sound and Space Synthesis in the Twilight Zone.” Invited lecture, School of Music, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana.
“Improving Stereo Imagery,” co-presenter with Douglas Jones and William L. Martens, Chicago chapter of the Audio Engineering Society.
Demonstration of Three-Dimensional Audio Imagery for Stereo Television. Presented at the Audio Engineering Society 4th International Conference on Stereo Audio Technology for Television and Video.
“The Relationship of Controlled Stereo Imagery to Other Aspects of Audio Production.” Delivered to the 1985 Annual Meeting of the Audio Engineering Society, New York.
“Optimizing Control Rooms for Stereo Imagery,” invited paper, co-authored with D. Jones and W. Martens for the Acoustical Society of America, Nashville, Tennessee.
“Sound Demonstration of Spatial Reverberation: Exploring New Potentials in Audio Imagery,” co-presented with William L. Martens and Daniel J. Freed to the 1985 International Computer Music Conference, Burnaby, B.C., Canada.
“Trends in Audio and Music Research,” invited lecture given to Illinois Bell Telephone, Chicago, Illinois.
“Designing a Sound Room for Auditory Research using the TEF,” co-authored with Douglas Jones and William L. Martens, poster presentation at the 1984 International Computer Music Conference, Paris, France.
“Sound and Space Synthesis,” co-authored with William L. Martens, presented to the 1984 National Meeting of the American Society of University Composers, Columbus, Ohio.
“Computer Music on both sides of the Atlantic,” moderator and presenter for the 1984 National Meeting of the American Society of University Composers, Columbus, Ohio.
“Report on the Northwestern University Computer Music Studio,” co-author with William L. Martens and Shawn Decker, presented to the School of Music, University of Illinois, Urbana.
“A Computing Environment for Research and Sound Synthesis.” Presented at the conference entitled “The Role of the Microcomputer in Music Education” sponsored by the Chicago Area Music Teachers Association. Triton College, Chicago.
Presented Lecture/Concert of Computer Music at the University of Indiana at South Bend.
“The Computer Music Studio at Northwestern University,” presented to the 1980 International Computer Music Conference, New York.
“Computer Sound Synthesis with Mini-computers,” presented to the 1976 National Meeting of the American Society for University Composers, Urbana, Illinois.